
With the kids heading back to school and life getting more routine, I love to re-examine and reset my goals for the year! 

Who says you can only make goals in the New Year? I love reevaluating my goals for the year at the start of the school year so I can finish the year productive and strong.

outfit details


My 2022 Goals Reset 

1. Attend the temple once a month

  • I made this goal at the beginning of 2022 and so far I’m 9 for 9! With life getting so busy the rest of the year as we head into the holidays, I’m determined to finish the year with at 12 for 12.

2. Get Broadway season tickets

  • We have two big theaters fairly close to us, both of which have traveling broadway casts that come through every month or so. My goal was to get two season tickets so I could go and take one child, Philip, or a friend. I just bought my season tickets a week or two ago and I’m so happy! The first show is in November and I can’t wait.

3. Sign up for golf classes

  • We literally live on a golf course, with several holes less than a 30 second golf cart drive from my front door. It’s ridiculous that I do not know how to golf. One of my goals this year is to take a few private lessons and then start practicing with B so he can teach me too. I don’t need to be an expert by any means, but I want to get decent enough to enjoy it and be able to go with Philip and my boys.

4. Date night once a month at least

  • We are finally at the golden age when B is old enough to stay home and babysit for a few hours while we’re out on date night. It’s GLORIOUS! He’s still not super comfortable if we’re too far from home or out too late, but I’m determined to take advantage of this and get out for a date night once a month at least. e’ve actually done pretty well the last few months!

5. Hike through preserve once a month

  • Our house backs up to a large preserve and a lake, so we can literally walk out our back door and be in the preserve with gorgeous trees and deer and wild flowers and streams. It’s kind of magical, but we honestly don’t take advantage of it. It’s been way too hot the last few months, but once the weather cools down I’m forcing us to get outside and make it happen once a month at least, cause it’s a great way to spend calm and simple time as a family. It’s actually a great Sunday afternoon activity!

6. Family movie night – no phones

  • We do family movie night every Friday and it’s such a fun family tradition. But at the end of Friday night, I often still have a few things left on my to-do list before the weekend, and I will sometimes sneak a little phone time in while we watch the movie. I’m determined to quit this bad habit before my kids get phones of their own (still a loooong time away) and follow my bad example.

7. Start getting quotes for the pool and backyard

  • It’s almost that time…we’re actually going to do the backyard!! We have plans for a pool, outdoor kitchen, and a half basketball court. We are SO excited. The hard and scary part is getting quotes from companies and moving forward. This is a major goal of ours for this fall so they can get started early next year and we can have it before next summer.

8. Go to high school football games

  • I’m currently REALLY making an effort to take advantage of local things (like golf, hiking in the preserve, and of course, TEXAS FOOTBALL). In Dallas, everyone goes to the high school football games – they’re a big deal and they’re so fun. This year it’s especially fun because our younger boys are on the junior leagues, so they have the same mascot and name as the high school team. It makes us feel super connected to the high school team and it’s so fun for them to wear their football gear and go to the games. We can’t make it to every game, but we’re making it to as many as we can. Football has become a huge part of our lives since we moved to Texas and I’m embracing it whole heartedly!

I’d love to know what goals you’re working on for the rest of the year!


How I’m Doing on My 2024 Goals

anthropologie green skirt with belt and lace top

With the kids heading back to school and life getting more routine, I love to re-examine and reset my goals for the year! 


Who says you can only make goals in the New Year? I love reevaluating my goals for the year at the start of the school year so I can finish the year productive and strong.



anthropologie dark blue lace top copy
anthropologie lace top and green skirt copy

My 2024 Goals Reset 

At the beginning of each year, I sit down and think about what I want to accomplish in the next year. In January, I shared my 2024 goals, so now that we’re more than halfway through the year, it’s time for a little check in to see how I’m doing.

Here are my goals from January 2024, and how I’ve done so far:

1. Take one day off every week to focus on long term projects, or just do nothing. I’m doing so well on this one! I had to work on Thursdays a few times this summer, but for the most part I’ve taken off every Thursday and it’s been a glorious choice in my life. I feel like a week day off each week to go to appointments or do a longer workout, or see friends, or go to the temple, or get home projects finished has rejuvenated my weeks and helped me feel much more balanced.

2. Get Invisalign again. I did this one too! I’m on my last Invisalign tray and it’s been a really smooth process with great results. I’m so happy with my smile and this was worth the extra effort to get it done.

3. Dedicated date night every other week for Philip and me. We have NOT done well at this. We’ve never been great about date night, but I’m recommitting for the rest of the year!

4. Increase weight lifting. This summer I’ve been doing Orange Theory Fitness at a local gym, and it has been the best jumpstart to get me back on track with my fitness goals. I’m lifting more than ever and have seen major muscle gains, and I’m so proud of myself. Now that our home gym is almost done, I can keep it up at home.

5. Post regularly on TikTok. Nope, failed miserably at this. I just don’t like Tiktok very much and haven’t felt connected to it, so I’ve spent almost no time over there this year.

6. Build studio in the basement. The basement was supposed to be finished in June, but here we are in September and it’s still a few weeks away from completion. But at least there is progress here and it’ll for sure be done by the end of the year, so I’m doing great on this goal if we look at it that way.

7. Finish kitchen renovation. We did this! It’s done and it’s gorgeous. I did a whole post about it RIGHT HERE.

8. Prep better for mornings so things go more smoothly and work starts by 9:30am. I’ve actually done better about this! During the summer, when I was doing Orange Theory classes, I’d go to an early class and be done by 8:15. This helped tremendously, and now that the kids are back in school, I’ve been pretty good about getting up early and doing my workout in between school drop offs so I’m fully done with it by the time all the kids are gone. I’m definitely not perfect at this, but I feel like I’ve done better this year than I have in years past.

9. 12 times to the temple. My plan was to go once per month, but during the summer when the kids were home, I flaked out on this. I think I could go twice a month for the rest of the year and get my 12 times in, so I’ll make that my updated goal!

10. Improved personal scripture study. I’ve been using the WE BELIEVE app, and have used that consistently this year, but my study could still improve. Now that the boys are back in school, I need to figure out a new time to work this into my schedule.


I’d love to know what goals you’re working on for the rest of the year!




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    I’m commenting here because the post is expired/not working and i am so so sad! My family has used your hot chocolate recipe the last 2 years and we went to make our first cups last week and your hot chocolate post says it has a critical error and can’t be viewed. we tried another recipe and it was just not the same 🙁 Would you re-post your original post or do a new post? The people are in need of this hot chocolate as fall starts 🙂

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