
You guys keep asking about my morning scripture study. Here’s a little info on the Book of Mormon study guide helps I use for my daily study.

The Book of Mormon study guide I use for my daily scripture study

I’ve had a lot of questions lately about what I use for my Book of Mormon study, so I wanted to share a few resources with you today.

Our church studies a different book of doctrine every year. Last year we studied the New Testament, and this year we’re studying the Book of Mormon.

When I do my personal scripture study

Every morning I do my personal scripture study first thing in the morning. I wake up around 5:40am, get dressed for my workout, and then do my morning scripture study around 6:00.

My scripture study lasts for about 15-20 minutes, and then I do my exercise.

Here are the Book of Mormon study helps that I use

I found a few good podcasts and study helps that I use as I study the scriptures every day. Typically I listen to a podcast or watch the YouTube video for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of my study, and then spend the rest of the time reading from the actual scriptures, writing notes in the margins, and writing notes in my journal.

These are three of my most often used study guide helps.

  • Don’t Miss This youtube channel. This is a really fun and helpful study guide with two seminary teachers. It’s a good option for youth because of their style of teaching, but I also find a lot of great insights in their lessons.
  • Cwic Media. My mom introduced me to this podcast (also a youtube channel). It’s much deeper theology, and he has some fantastic insights. If you’re looking for a deep study, this is a great supplementary study.

This is the journal I use to take notes during my scripture study

I use THIS PAPYRUS JOURNAL to take notes and journal during my scripture study. Writing things down helps me remember things and internalize what I’m studying, so this is a hugely important part of my study.

If you have any other great Book of Mormon study guide ideas that you’d care to share, or things you do that help in your scripture study, leave a comment. I’d love to know!


photos by Aubrey Stock

The Book of Mormon Study Guide I Use Every Morning

studying the scriptures

You guys keep asking about my morning scripture study. Here’s a little info on the Book of Mormon study guide helps I use for my daily study.


The Book of Mormon study guide I use for my daily scripture study

I’ve had a lot of questions lately about what I use for my Book of Mormon study, so I wanted to share a few resources with you today.

Our church studies a different book of doctrine every year. Last year we studied the New Testament, the year before that was the Old Testament, and this year we’re studying the Book of Mormon.

There are lots of resources on our church’s website that are helpful for studying the scriptures, but I wanted to specifically share a few that have been helpful for me as I study early in the morning.


When I do my personal scripture study

Every morning I do my personal scripture study first thing in the morning. I wake up around 5:40am, get dressed for my workout, and then do my morning scripture study around 6:00.

My scripture study lasts for about 15-20 minutes, and then I do my exercise.

You can see my regular daily routine RIGHT HERE.


Here are the Book of Mormon study helps that I use

I found a few good podcasts and study helps that I use as I study the scriptures every day. Typically I listen to a podcast or watch the YouTube video for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of my study, and then spend the rest of the time reading from the actual scriptures, writing notes in the margins, and writing notes in my journal.

These are three of my most often used study guide helps.

  • Don’t Miss This youtube channel. This is a really fun and helpful study guide with two seminary teachers. It’s a good option for youth because of their style of teaching, but I also find a lot of great insights in their lessons. I teach the high school seniors Sunday school class at church, and I find this resource really helpful for preparing my lessons for class.


  • Cwic Media. My mom introduced me to this podcast (also a youtube channel). It’s much deeper theology, and he has some fantastic insights. If you’re looking for a deep study, this is a great supplementary study.



This is the journal I use to take notes during my scripture study

I use THIS PAPYRUS JOURNAL to take notes and journal during my scripture study. Writing things down helps me remember things and internalize what I’m studying, so this is a hugely important part of my study.


If you have any other great Book of Mormon study guide ideas that you’d care to share, or things you do that help in your scripture study, leave a comment. I’d love to know!




photos by Aubrey Stock


  1. Rachael says:

    No other specific study guide, but a lot of prayer and pondering. 🙂

  2. Katherine says:

    The red headed hostess has incredible Digital weekly study kits That are so full of both insights and study helps as well as activities for kids of all ages. Highly recommend!

  3. Quincy says:

    Check iut meckmom too! Shes got amazing insights and really great, simple object lessons!

  4. Jeanine says:

    If your mind is open to it, read Out of Mormonism by Judy Robertson. You have the power to set your family free and learn the truth about God. A side benefit will be not having to wear the horrible undergarment that you have to wear as a mormon. Praying for you and your family.

    • Merrick says:

      I’m grateful for your concern for my family, truly! However, I have ready the scriptures, prayed, seen God in my life, and know that I’m where I need to be and the church is true. Also I would appreciate your respect to something I hold sacred. Wishing you all the best.

  5. Mandi says:

    I recentlY discovered the Sunday on Monday podcast, and i love it. my other recommendation Would be the scripture study project podcast.
    Thanks so much for sharing your Waybof studying. I think its IMPORTANT to see different ways, and then find what works for you.

    • Merrick says:

      someone else recommended the Sunday on Monday podcast — thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely check both of those out.

  6. Jenna says:

    I love this series, great idea!

  7. Kelly White says:

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  10. Aria Smith says:

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    Thank you for such a splendid article.

  11. Savanna Hancey says:

    I’ve been really ENJOYING this youtube channel for BofM INSIGHTS. . https://youtu.be/FtCMT3P-Wi8

  12. Elisabeth says:

    Cool, it’s never too late to acquire new skills and knowledge. And during the pandemic, there is more time for this, by the way check out Number Skill here. I think this will be useful for you

  13. This is great especially to the youth where one can acquire new skills.

  14. Alisa James says:

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. google

  15. tommas says:

    Hello! Thank you for sharing such wonderful channels and Book of Mormon 2020 with us, I just missed it. It seems to me that we began to forget about our true faith and our destiny because for many years in a row we have been brainwashed in a zombie box and stupefying TV shows. Considering that nowadays most young people are positioning themselves as atheists, this clearly will not end well for all of us.

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  16. Oak Norton says:

    Those are a couple of great podcasts you mentioned. I also like “Follow Him” with John Bytheway and Hank Smith (they always bring on a guest for an extended conversation). I like Jared Halverson’s “Unshaken” podcast, and “Talking Scripture” with Bryce Dunford and Mike Day. If you are looking for a great place to store all the insights you get, you might check out https://ScriptureNotes.com. It’s a super flexible app that lets you take notes and do powerful searches in new ways.

  17. karlon says:

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  21. Nathan says:

    this did not keep my iron rod erect, definitely flaccid…

    I think any true mormon would be studying at least 30 mins day and night, in toe with this study they should also have at least 2 hours of high intensity resistance training penciled in, followed by a brief 15km trail run.

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