
I love setting goals in the new year! These are a few of my goals for 2024, plus a free printable goal


My 2025 Goals (and a Printable Goal Sheet)

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I love setting goals in the new year! These are a few of my goals for 2025, plus a free printable goal chart.


My 2025 Goals

Happy New Year! I love setting goals in the new year to stretch myself and add good things to my life.

Today I wanted to share a few of my goals for 2025. When I set my goals, I try to have a mix of social goals, spiritual goals, financial goals, physical goals, and educational goals. I have a whole list of goals that I’ve set with Philip and for myself, and I wanted to share a few of the goals from my list!


Check out my free printable goal sheet

If you want to set goals or help your family set goals for 2023, I have a free printable goal chart in THIS POST.


A few of my goals for 2025

1. Take Ski Lessons. This is my big “fun” goal for 2025. I’ve signed myself and my boys up for ski lessons this winter so we all can learn. I’ve never gone skiing in my life, but I’ve wanted to learn, so this is my year! My siblings and their children have all learned to ski over the last few years, so we’re planning a family ski trip in 2026, maybe in Colorado!

2. Get season tickets to the Fox Theater. This is another fun goal I’m doing this year! I got season tickets to the local theater when I was in Dallas, and it was such a joy to go to a performance every month or two. I bought two tickets so I could bring a friend or one of my kids, but since most of my friends in St. Louis have tickets already, I’ll probably just get one for myself and go with them!

3. Big date night once a month, planned by me. Philip and I are not great at date nights. We go probably once a month, but we almost never plan them and then it’s a last minute scramble. There are so many fun places and events and restaurants that are closer to downtown, which is far from us, but a great thing for date night. So this year I’m going to plan a bigger date night downtown once per month and plan ahead!

4. Done with work everyday by 3:45pm. This is going to be a really hard goal for me, but I’m hoping to make this one happen. I have to leave to get my youngest from school everyday at 3:45, and my goal is to be done with work when it’s time to pick him up. This will force me to be more efficient during the morning and early afternoon! I’m sure I will never be perfect at this, but hopefully I can do this at least a few times a week.

5. Sign up for Orange Theory in the summer. I did this last summer and it was so good for me! It forced me to get out the door, get my workout in early, and then be able to spend more time with my boys at the pool or the water park.

6. Get to the temple twice a month. I’ve had a goal to go to the temple once a month on my own, but this year I’m going to try to get to the temple by myself once a month, and then another time with Philip for date night. Every quarter we’ll take the boys.

7. Lunch date with friends on zoom every month. I have several wonderful friends that I live far away from now but I want to stay in better with them. So I’m going to do a zoom lunch date with one of them every month just to catch up! I’ve already arranged my first for January, and the plan is to both eat lunch and just chat while we eat. I’m excited for this!

8. Mastermind group – meet every other month. I’m super excited about a new mastermind group that I’ve created with some other creators in the fashion space. We’ll be meeting every other month to support and share and strategize, and I’m really excited to learn from these women.

9. Take one day off every week to focus on long term projects, or just do nothing. I did this last year and it was life changing for me, so I’m doing it again! As someone with their own business, there is always something that can be done and it’s easy to never be off the clock. Last year I took almost every Thursday off, and although I didn’t do so well at long term projects, I did take time off and it was amazing to have this one a week.




One Comment

  1. Julia says:

    I loved reading about your 2025 goals! It’s so inspiring to see how you approach goal-setting with so much intention and balance. Your focus on creativity really resonates with me—I’m working toward one of my own creative goals this year: becoming a typeface designer.

    I’ve always been fascinated by how fonts can communicate personality, just like fashion does. Lately, I’ve been playing around with different styles, and I found this Font Generator—it’s been such a fun tool to experiment with!


    Wishing you an amazing 2025, and I can’t wait to see how your goals unfold!

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