
Exercising has been my number one sanity saver while we’ve been in quarantine. These are three at home workouts I’ve been doing that require little to no equipment and are crazy good calorie burners.

Some great at home workouts I’m loving right now

While we’re all sitting at home, it’s super important to get your heart pumping and burn some calories. It improves your mood, your emotional state, and clears your mind. I’ve been making a huge effort to do an at home workout every single day, and I wanted to share three favorites I’ve been doing lately.

These at home workouts require little to no equipment

Some of you may have at-home gyms, but I do not, and probably most of you don’t either. So these at home workouts are all little to no equipment.

I have AN ADJUSTABLE DUMBBELL SET that I use for strength training, A YOGA MAT, plus a step stool from my kitchen, but that’s all the equipment I ever use.

3 At Home Workouts I’m Doing Right Now

at home workouts

Exercising has been my number one sanity saver while we’ve been in quarantine. These are three at home workouts I’ve been doing that require little to no equipment and are crazy good calorie burners.


Some great at home workouts I’m loving right now

While we’re all sitting at home, it’s super important to get your heart pumping and burn some calories. It improves your mood, your emotional state, and clears your mind. I’ve been making a huge effort to do an at home workout every single day, and I wanted to share three favorites I’ve been doing lately.


These at home workouts require little-to-no equipment

Some of you may have at-home gyms, but I do not, and probably most of you don’t either. So these at home workouts are all little to no equipment.

I have AN ADJUSTABLE DUMBBELL SET that I use for strength training, A YOGA MAT, plus a step stool from my kitchen, but that’s all the equipment I ever use.


exercising from home

Black leggings (wearing size XS)
White bra
Orange tank
Cream Sneakers
Similar weight set

High Fitness is a great workout. These are several FREE options.

I did High Fitness for the first time last summer and loved it. It’s a combination of cardio and dancing with repetitive moves and routines set to music. It’s high energy and super fun.

I hadn’t been to a class in months, but when everything shut down I discovered that the creators of High Fitness had put a free 45 minute high fitness workout on YouTube! It’s the perfect at home workout that doesn’t require any equipment.

I’ve been doing this free class on YouTube a few times a week, and was so excited to see another 60 minute class put up on their YouTube channel!

You can also register HERE for their free live classes that they offer several times a week.


BBG on the Sweat app has been my go to for over two years

I’ve been using the Sweat app for 2 1/2 years now and it’s a fantastic strength training app. I attribute all my arm and leg muscles to this app!

It’s a $19/month subscription, but you can try it free for 7 days with THIS LINK (first time users only).

There are tons of programs within the app

  • at-home gym programs (and that you can use in a public gym)
  • no equipment programs
  • programs that use very little equipment
  • postpartum programs
  • building muscle programs
  • yoga programs
  • quick daily challenges
  • and so much more

There are also meal plans and recipes within the app, plus a section to track your progress, and a whole community where you can get support and encouragement.

You can use this app long after the quarantine is over — I highly recommend it.

These are several other posts I’ve written about the Sweat app at home workout programs


The 52 card pickup challenge is great for toning!

I’ve been talking about this challenge on Instagram a lot lately, and it’s a fun way to burn some calories and tone your body. I typically do these squats in conjunction with a few mile run, since the actual squats don’t burn a ton of calories.

Here’s how to do this challenge: 

  1. Start with a deck of playing cards. Any kind of card will do!
  2. Toss the cards up into the air and let them fall on the ground around you.
  3. Do a DEEP squat (keep your chin up and your back straight) and pick up a card. Then do another squat and pick up a second card. Repeat, repeat, repeat until all the cards are picked up.
  4. Pro tip: As you stand up in between each squat, squeeze your booty to help tighten everything up!
  5. Optional: If you want an even bigger burn, do a jump squat for each card, jumping up in the air as you stand up in between each squat.

Try doing this challenge every single day to improve your joint flexibility, muscle strength, and agility. My parents and I do it every day and it’s an awesome and easy workout!

(You can see my boys and I doing it RIGHT HERE)


Now it’s your turn — share your favorite at home workouts! 

There are tons of other at home workouts on YouTube and Instagram. Tell us your favorites.




Photos by Aubrey Stock


workout at home

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  1. Sarah D says:

    Love this post! You introduced me to High Fitness and i am loving it! I also have the Peleton app and do their strength and yoga workouts. And oF course running!

  2. Amanda says:

    I just love your blog, thank you for another motivation from you! In fact, I’ve been looking at your old posts and I want to say that you’ve changed so much in that time. I think that you just have a crazy pace of life in which you always find time for sports. Recently I only read your blog and blog https://buildgoodbody.com/ in which I also get useful information and motivation for sports

  3. Amanda says:

    Great tips! The process of losing weight and improving your fitness can be difficult if you don’t build a clear plan of action and restrictions, diets, and supplements that can help you. I think that only the right actions can lead to long-term weight loss. I recently read this article https://slimmingpath.com/plants-not-pills-review/ which can help with achieving my goal, and it seems to look attractive

  4. Emma says:

    During the quarantine period, I also work out at home, this is the safest option for me, besides, there is such a variety of different workouts on the Internet, and my husband and I bought a treadmill for ourselves, you can read the review of the folding treadmill here. This is also a great option for cardio when the weather is bad and you don’t want to go out

  5. Thank you for sharing this blog . It’s really helpful for me.

  6. This is also a great option for cardio when the weather is bad and you don’t want to go out. Thanks for sharing with us

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