
Before Peanut was born, I was a college student, and then worked as a project manager of a local company for a few years. Both required me to look appropriate and presentable. But when Peanut was born, I was suddenly accountable to no one, rarely went places during the day (especially at the beginning), and really had no reason to get dressed in anything but sweats every day. But did I?

No, I did not.

I have always been of the opinion that getting dressed and ready every day makes such a difference in how I feel, and how I act. I think that mentality comes from my mom, who always told me to go take a shower and get ready when I was feeling yucky (unless I was throwing up, of course), because it would make me feel better. And you know what? It always did. And it still does.

Today I’m over at Perfectly Imperfect Mom talking about Mommy Style, and more specifically, six reasons I get dressed and ready EVERY DAY, and five simple ways that I do it while not sacrificing comfort or my precious time.

You too can be a mom and still be cute. Head on over and check it out!

Mommy Style (Guest Post)

Before Peanut was born, I was a college student, and then worked as a project manager of a local company for a few years. Both required me to look appropriate and presentable. But when Peanut was born, I was suddenly accountable to no one, rarely went places during the day (especially at the beginning), and really had no reason to get dressed in anything but sweats every day. But did I?

No, I did not.

I have always been of the opinion that getting dressed and ready every day makes such a difference in how I feel, and how I act. I think that mentality comes from my mom, who always told me to go take a shower and get ready when I was feeling yucky (unless I was throwing up, of course), because it would make me feel better. And you know what? It always did. And it still does.

Today I’m over at Perfectly Imperfect Mom talking about Mommy Style, and more specifically, six reasons I get dressed and ready EVERY DAY, and five simple ways that I do it while not sacrificing comfort or my precious time.

You too can be a mom and still be cute. Head on over and check it out!



  1. Brenna Boyd says:

    Thanks again Merrick! I love your style and you have inspired me to make more of an effort even when I am tired lol

  2. Sometimes I see moms out in public looking like a hot mess, and I secretly judge them…But then I feel bad, because I'm NOT a mom so obviously I don't know what it's like. Thanks to people like you, I know that it's entirely possible to be a cutely dressed mom, and now I can go back to judging. Thank you!

    Sarah's Real Life

  3. Totally agree that if you look good you feel good. Also, with my crazy boys you never know when you're going to have to take an unexpected trip to the ER! When I had to do so last summer (and again in April) it was nice to know I looked like a put together mom who had things under control, and I didn't have to worry about the doctors thinking my son broke his finger because I was obviously in over my head.

  4. Ash says:

    I read the whole post on the other blog, and it was great! As always, every outfit is adorable… No kids for me yet, but it's nice to be reminded that style and mommyhood don't have to be mutually exclusive 🙂

  5. .Chrissy says:

    I agree 100%. I feel better getting ready everyday. I love the reasons you listed! It really does make a difference for the better!

  6. Jen says:

    Love this post Merrick! Luckily for you, you have a great figure that looks fantastic in anything even when your pregnant! I love your tutorials. I need to make a few of those pencil skirts, I will be trying to make more of an effort to get ready everyday. I'm also a SAHM and sometimes it seems pointless, but I think the hubby deserves it! Thanks for posting, this is really something I need to work on. : )

  7. Becki says:

    Thank you for posting this! I have been feeling like I've been stuck in a rut lately and I think that this could really help me have a better attitude about myself and my family and getting things done around my house. Thank you for the great ideas!

  8. Felicia says:

    Thank you for this post. I especially liked the part where you said that you make an extra effort when your husband comes home because he deserves it. That was really an eye opener for me. I think moms can get caught up in being moms and forget the other equally important aspects in there life. Thanks for that reminder!

  9. Candice says:

    I'm not even a Mum, but I have aaaaalways struggled with this!!
    I should make it a goal – get up before 10am and get dressed every day (when I'm not working – obviously I do get up and get dressed when I am 😉

  10. Monique says:

    That makes me smile – my Mom also always told me to get up, shower and get dressed, even when sick. It works wonders and is now something I am teaching my husband too!

  11. The Packards says:

    All I have to say is your'e so awesome!

  12. chic81.com says:

    I definitely feel that getting dressed and ready for anything is a must in my book too.

  13. lauren says:

    so i just had to thank you for this post. since reading this i have gotten ready for the day every day (and a week of it was spent at the beach!). and i'll tell you what…i really can feel a difference. i'm also pregnant with my second and i swear getting dressed gives me that boost of energy that i need to get through the day of chasing around my 2 year old. also my husband appreciates the post and every day he comes home and tells me something specific he likes about my outfit. i can tell it's his way of letting me know how much he loves i'm not in PJs at 5 pm 🙂

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