
In January of 2009, we decided to put our condo on the market. We knew we wanted to start trying to get pregnant sometime during the year, so we wanted a place that was bigger and also a little closer to Philip’s work. After a year of our house sitting on the market and no takers, we finally took it off, realizing that at this point it was better to stay put for a while. Since deciding to stay, we also decided to do a few updates on our condo so we would be happy living here for the next year or so. We bought pillows for the couches, I made some curtains, we bought a new kitchen table, and we did a little re-decorating.

Then my dad came to town a few months ago and suggested along with our recent updates, we should build some storage shelves in our laundry room to give us extra room for the plethora of paintings that I’ve accumulated, and also a place to store extra diapers, food storage, toilet paper, etc. We jumped on that idea right away and designed all the shelving just to our specifications.

This weekend my dad came up and built the whole thing for us.

Pre-construction (you can’t really tell, but the only shelving is that one tiny shelf above the washer/dryer):

During Construction:

Finished! Didn’t my dad do an AWESOME job?!

Now my job tomorrow is to paint the whole thing…we’ll see how that goes while I try to juggle my 3-week old baby who has a cold!

A Little Update

In January of 2009, we decided to put our condo on the market. We knew we wanted to start trying to get pregnant sometime during the year, so we wanted a place that was bigger and also a little closer to Philip’s work. After a year of our house sitting on the market and no takers, we finally took it off, realizing that at this point it was better to stay put for a while. Since deciding to stay, we also decided to do a few updates on our condo so we would be happy living here for the next year or so. We bought pillows for the couches, I made some curtains, we bought a new kitchen table, and we did a little re-decorating.

Then my dad came to town a few months ago and suggested along with our recent updates, we should build some storage shelves in our laundry room to give us extra room for the plethora of paintings that I’ve accumulated, and also a place to store extra diapers, food storage, toilet paper, etc. We jumped on that idea right away and designed all the shelving just to our specifications.

This weekend my dad came up and built the whole thing for us.

Pre-construction (you can’t really tell, but the only shelving is that one tiny shelf above the washer/dryer):

During Construction:

Finished! Didn’t my dad do an AWESOME job?!

Now my job tomorrow is to paint the whole thing…we’ll see how that goes while I try to juggle my 3-week old baby who has a cold!



  1. Camille says:

    You guys had that place on the market for an entire year and NO ONE bought it! Holy cow! The market is terrible!
    I'm liking those shelves though – custom made for the painter of the house 🙂

  2. he's sick? Oh no!! let me know if you need anything!!

  3. Morgan says:

    It's perfect! Gotta love dads.

  4. Packrat says:

    Hope the little guy gets well soon and that the rest of you don't get it.

    How cool is it that your dad built the shelves?!

  5. Chelsea says:

    Looks pretty cool! Lots of space to fill with fun things! It's amazing that no matter how much storage you have, we always seem to find ways to fill it!

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