
You guys, guess what?!

That ginormous and incredibly intimidating painting of Peanut is finished. FINISHED, I TELL YOU!

Although it was supposed to be a birthday gift for Philip (oops, that was back in May), and I took so many long breaks so that it took me nearly three months to complete it, at least it’s done.  And the best part is that I don’t hate it — I actually am really pleased with how it came out. Whew. Big, huge weight off my shoulders.

And now it’s time to get this six foot tall painting out of my house and get it sent off to its permanent location (Philip’s office at work). As much as I like the painting, I’m so ready to have the wall space back.

the color is a little off, and some details got washed out, but you get the idea.

Now it’s time to start on a big diptych for the boy’s nursery, and a big square painting for above our bed (which I just might do a DIY for, so watch for that!)

Happy Tuesday!


You guys, guess what?!

That ginormous and incredibly intimidating painting of Peanut is finished. FINISHED, I TELL YOU!

Although it was supposed to be a birthday gift for Philip (oops, that was back in May), and I took so many long breaks so that it took me nearly three months to complete it, at least it’s done.  And the best part is that I don’t hate it — I actually am really pleased with how it came out. Whew. Big, huge weight off my shoulders.

And now it’s time to get this six foot tall painting out of my house and get it sent off to its permanent location (Philip’s office at work). As much as I like the painting, I’m so ready to have the wall space back.

the color is a little off, and some details got washed out, but you get the idea.

Now it’s time to start on a big diptych for the boy’s nursery, and a big square painting for above our bed (which I just might do a DIY for, so watch for that!)

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Rhiannon says:

    I love it Merrick, you are so talented!

  2. Camillaeli says:

    Wow it's amazing and cute to… You are really talented!

  3. Looks great! I really like how you did the faces in the crowd.

    Sarah's Real Life

  4. Wow, you're amazing. It's beautiful!

  5. Ash says:

    That's so beautiful and adorable all are the same time! Your talent is such a gift! 🙂

  6. That is amazing!! So beautiful 🙂

  7. Janine says:

    You are very talented!!

  8. Looks beautiful, love his expression!

  9. Wow congrats on finishing it! I would LOVE to be able to catch memories of our boys in that way! Great job!

  10. My gosh, it's amazing! You ahve some real talent ^^ great job! xo nikki

  11. Jenn says:

    That is great. Wonderful job!

  12. LatteLove says:

    Merrick – wow! I'm sure Phillip loved it. You capture Peanut's spirit so well (at least from what I can compare with pictures). So sweet!

  13. that is so adorable! great job 🙂

  14. THAT IS AMAZING!!! I love it, Merrick!

  15. Kelly says:

    MERRICK! What a lovely painting!! Is there anything you CAN'T do?!

  16. This is such an adorable concept and you did an amazing job! I always look forward to seeing your new posts– you are so talented and inspiring!

  17. Erica Bellio says:

    LOVe it!!! you are so talented girl!




  18. Wow u should paint more to post them! It is beautiful :))

  19. HOLY MOLY! It's six feet tall!?!? Jimney Christmas! xoxo

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