necklace: c/o sway chic, t-shirt: target, maxi skirt: c/o sway chic, sandals: target (old) |
I fully intended to brave some outside photos today, but then two things happened that got in the way.
Number one, I went to Lowe’s this morning for some new hardware for the boys dresser and came home with a Swiffer Wet Jet. Then I proceeded to happily spent a chunk of my afternoon mopping my floors. Key word is happily. I’m pretty darn good about sweeping my kitchen floor every day (I really have no choice with all the crumbs that make their way down there), but mopping is something I rarely do because I loathe it. Dirty water in the sink? Wet, sticky floors for thirty minutes afterward, or having to go back with a cloth and dry it by hand? Yeah, it just doesn’t happen. But with that new fancy tool it was all done and sparkling clean in minutes — and then I just threw away that nasty disposable cloth. Best purchase ever.
Oh, and number two, Peanut refused to take a nap. As in, sobbing uncontrollably for fifteen minutes straight until I came in, and at which point he said, “Mom, I’m all done sleeping.” followed by, “I had a great nap!” After rocking in the rocking chair, singing songs, bribing, and threatening, there was nothing to be done except hand him a stack of books and tell him it was quiet time for the next hour (at least). I’m praying this is a one time thing and that he’ll continue to happily take two hours naps until he’s five. Or else I might die.
So yes, no outside outfit pictures.
I just recently discovered a new online clothing store called Sway Chic. They have several locations in California, but have just started their online store, and kindly let me try out a few of their pieces. Of course with my expanding waistline I opted for the maxi skirt, and despite the low price point, their fabric is great quality, and the skirt itself is really well made. Same with the necklace — inexpensive, but quality materials. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall apart at any moment. I’m really impressed. They have tons of great stuff on their website, so you should go check them out!
oh my gosh! did we all choose this skirt!?
I love the necklace you chose!
I love the necklace and how you styled it. You look adorable.
looking great mama! love your skirt! xo
My Swiffer Wet Jet and I are also BFF's, sometimes I stop and realize how odd it is that I love cleaning my floor.
I love that skirt!!
I love that necklace!! It's so unique. Definitely going to check them out 🙂
I really like those maxi skirts on you.
I love love love my Swiffer (although mine isn't a wetjet one). I think it was the first thing I rebought in Texas.
Cute outfit! I had a swiffer wet jet and then got a steam mop. The steam mop is amazing! I love it even more than I loved my wet jet!
Ugh! I loathe mopping AND sweeping. But I make it fun by turning up my music and dancing while doing it. Oh! And I never hand dry my wet floors… I FOOT dry! hahaha. Have fun with your new cool mop.You look lovely by the way.
Love the skirt!!
I loved my swiffer wetjet until i found the steam mop!!
Oh man that necklace is the You look fab. And I TOTALLY hear you on hating mopping my floors; we got a steam mop as a registry gift and it never really did the trick for us. So, now I use a Dollar store plastic mop equipped with a microfiber towel and a spray bottle of floor cleaner, and I go to TOWN on 'em! It's actually pretty fun when yuo can see results!
Occasionally Addie will refuse to nap (like on Sunday after church, since it was 1+ hr later than her normal time) and it makes me terrified of the future. Naps are my saving grace every day!
Whoop whoop. Great minds indeed. Annnnd I second Kacie on the steam mop. LOVE.
Your outfit looks great!!! PS – I don't know if you have pets, but the swiffer wetjets can make your animals (or crawlers) very sick. Just be careful with those! I use the SharkMop which is steamed water and sometimes spray vinegar on the floor. It's green friendly. =) Def more effort than a swiffer though. =)
I love my Swiffer, too!
Wishing you a day that includes a nap for your son tomorrow!
And lastly, you look great as always…whether the pictures are indoors or out! I love your style. Thank you for your blog!
LOVE your blog and all the stuff you do, you make it look so easy 🙂 You've inspired me to learn to sew.