With several new sponsors joining us this month, I wanted to take a second and introduce them (along with a few others that have been around for a bit longer). Take a second to hop over to their blogs and check them out!
Britt is a darling life and fashion blogger from Texas. As much as I love straight up fashion bloggers, I really love blogs that combine real life with outfit posts — and Britt does just that (with pretty photos to boot). Also, she has really great hair. Just sayin. Go check out her blog, Secondhand Magpie!
Daniel and Christy are a beautiful couple with a dream to adopt, and their blog is a way of reaching out to people in hopes of finding their baby. You can get to know them a little bit right here, and you should check out the awesome and incredibly sweet shirt that Christy just made. Seriously warmed my heart.
Daisy Rae Boutique is a darling and affordable online boutique. Kacie, the owner, has an awesome blog of her own (kacie’s kloset) where she features many of the items from her shop, always styling them so well, and making me want pretty much every item in the store. The best part about Daisy Rae? Everything in her shop is under $50.
You can see me wearing the gorgeous chevron top from her shop here.
If you aren’t yet reading Audrey’s blog, Putting Me Together, you should go there right now and subscribe. She is the master of remixing, and always is putting together the most amazing outfits. Her recent series on building a remixable wardrobe is the perfect starting point if you don’t know what to do with your closet. Go read it right now and love her as much as I do.
I’m sure most, if not all, of you are familiar with Shabby Apple — they are famous for their beautiful dresses (I have several and love them). They also have some gorgeous swimsuits, perfect for summer! Go check them out!
I love discovering new blogs! thanks!
I love discovering new blogs! thanks!
Thanks! I just enjoyed the kids naptime by reading/looking at these blogs! It was fun, and am excited to have some more inspiration!
Thanks for the Sponsor Love!
Thanks for the love!
The Secondhand Magpie