
The older Peanut gets, the more fun things we do on the weekends. Not only because he’s old enough to enjoy it, and because his one afternoon nap is so easy to work around, but also because he goes nuts if he’s cooped up inside for two days straight.

Here’s a little recap of our weekend fun.

1-3. Peanut loves playing in the water with his shovel and bucket. So with the spigot outside our house, he splashed and played for over an hour while Philip and I sat on our shady porch. We’ll be doing this a lot more this summer, I’m sure.
4. I’m working on a larger than life painting of Peanut, and that big floating head cracks me up every time I walk past it. Peanut also runs out to the front room to check it out every so often, saying, “I need to go look at the painting.” Hilarious.
5. While the boys took an afternoon nap, I went out and did a little shopping, all by myself. Heaven. Also, I bought three new bras. Double heaven.
6-8. With all the raving about Nat The Fat Rat’s winning cookie recipe, I had to make them. They were AMAZING. Perfectly crispy around the edges and gooey on the inside. Plus, the sea salt was a delicious little touch. Peanut mostly liked picking out all the chocolate chips.
9. On Sunday, we attended a baby blessing for our very good friends. Peanut spent the entire time in their basement driving around in this little red car. With both of their older boys too old for the car, and with their upcoming move in two weeks, they generously gave it to Peanut. He was in heaven. And, as you can imagine, a major meltdown ensued when it was time to put it away at bedtime.

Hope you all had a happy weekend too!


The older Peanut gets, the more fun things we do on the weekends. Not only because he’s old enough to enjoy it, and because his one afternoon nap is so easy to work around, but also because he goes nuts if he’s cooped up inside for two days straight.

Here’s a little recap of our weekend fun.

1-3. Peanut loves playing in the water with his shovel and bucket. So with the spigot outside our house, he splashed and played for over an hour while Philip and I sat on our shady porch. We’ll be doing this a lot more this summer, I’m sure.
4. I’m working on a larger than life painting of Peanut, and that big floating head cracks me up every time I walk past it. Peanut also runs out to the front room to check it out every so often, saying, “I need to go look at the painting.” Hilarious.
5. While the boys took an afternoon nap, I went out and did a little shopping, all by myself. Heaven. Also, I bought three new bras. Double heaven.
6-8. With all the raving about Nat The Fat Rat’s winning cookie recipe, I had to make them. They were AMAZING. Perfectly crispy around the edges and gooey on the inside. Plus, the sea salt was a delicious little touch. Peanut mostly liked picking out all the chocolate chips.
9. On Sunday, we attended a baby blessing for our very good friends. Peanut spent the entire time in their basement driving around in this little red car. With both of their older boys too old for the car, and with their upcoming move in two weeks, they generously gave it to Peanut. He was in heaven. And, as you can imagine, a major meltdown ensued when it was time to put it away at bedtime.

Hope you all had a happy weekend too!



  1. preethi says:

    What is it about buckets and water that is so awesome and entertaining? Love. Also, a friend was watching Nat the other day and her son has a little red play bike thing. Nat SOBBED when we had to leave.

  2. You've such a cute baby bump!! I wept a silent tear when I went maternity bra shopping!! They look so matronly!!)

  3. You are an amazing artist!!! PS – sorry I haven't gotten back to you. We have a theme on our master bedroom that is the beach. 😉 So we are looking for a piece of art at some point just not sure what yet. xoxo A-

  4. TheTinyHeart says:

    At first I thought your painting was a photo! I'm in awe of how perfect your rendition of Peanut is! And those cookies look delicious.

    The Tiny Heart

  5. I love how Peanut runs out to see the painting haha. And that pic of him eating the cookie is too cute.

  6. Janssen says:

    Did you change anything from the original recipe?

  7. Packrat says:

    Can't believe how Peanut isn't looking like a baby anymore! Great pictures. Going shopping without children and your husband along is still one of the best things. (I love my husband of almost 38 years but not when we go shopping! LOL) Your comment about "double heaven" cracked me up.

  8. newpetite says:

    Ah.. cant wait to see the finished painting!!

  9. Landen says:

    Gah!!! Peanut is the cutest little boy!!

  10. um can't wait to have my own! Looks so fun! only 3 more months!

  11. Nuha says:

    how cute is your son?! and i love the fact that he want's to see his special painting 🙂 kids are so innocent and adorable! i'll have to try nat's cookie recipe..as if i need a reason to bake cookies haha

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Philip works every other Saturday. Did you know that? Well now you do. So on his off-Saturday’s we sleep in, we relax, we lay around.

Peanut hasn’t quite figured that one out…he’s too busy checking his stocks and sending some important business emails.

Even if he’s still in his pajamas.


Philip works every other Saturday. Did you know that? Well now you do. So on his off-Saturday’s we sleep in, we relax, we lay around.

Peanut hasn’t quite figured that one out…he’s too busy checking his stocks and sending some important business emails.

Even if he’s still in his pajamas.



  1. Mrs. D says:

    Oh my goodness, merrick, this picture is so PERFECT! i love it. he looks like the etrade baby! 🙂

  2. Janssen says:

    Dang he is cute! And I think he looks a little more like you in that picture than usual.

    Also, those pajamas are to die for.

  3. Bart says:

    Way cute. Kind of looks like that photo of Crawford I took. Bwahaha.

  4. Oh such a cute picture! What an adorable little boy!

  5. Miriam says:

    that's classic! Nothing like starting them early! (I agree with Janssen, I can really see you in him.)

  6. Amelie Reilly says:

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  7. Hexa says:

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