
Following in Janssen’s footsteps, here are four things about this little man at four months.

  1.  He continues to be super vocal. Mostly it’s babbling, but when he’s mad it’s the highest pitch scream you’ve ever heard. We’ve also heard a few “dada’s” over the last week or so, which makes a certain man in this house all sorts of happy. 
  2. He watches Peanut all day long, following him with his eyes, and straining his neck to watch when he walks away, all the while wiggling and squirming as if he is just itching to jump up and join the fun. 
  3. His favorite thing right now is to stand, jump and stomp his feet. It’s like a hilarious little hoe-down every day. 
  4. His eyes are still so blue. It’s hard for me to imagine that two very brown eyed parents could produce a blue eyed babe, but those recessive genes might pull through for this guy. Only time will tell. For now, we call him our “little blue-eyed boy.” 

Four Months

Following in Janssen’s footsteps, here are four things about this little man at four months.

  1.  He continues to be super vocal. Mostly it’s babbling, but when he’s mad it’s the highest pitch scream you’ve ever heard. We’ve also heard a few “dada’s” over the last week or so, which makes a certain man in this house all sorts of happy. 
  2. He watches Peanut all day long, following him with his eyes, and straining his neck to watch when he walks away, all the while wiggling and squirming as if he is just itching to jump up and join the fun. 
  3. His favorite thing right now is to stand, jump and stomp his feet. It’s like a hilarious little hoe-down every day. 
  4. His eyes are still so blue. It’s hard for me to imagine that two very brown eyed parents could produce a blue eyed babe, but those recessive genes might pull through for this guy. Only time will tell. For now, we call him our “little blue-eyed boy.” 


  1. Ok, I'm kind of a blog stalker (your blog was recommended by one of my best friends, Rachel Martinez), but I've never commented before, but it must be said…your baby is stinkin' cute. 🙂 Thanks for blogging!

  2. Kate Craig says:

    aw, he looks like a rascal in that first picture 🙂

  3. Jenni says:

    He's getting big!! That is such a cute little face!!

  4. Abby says, "Awwww, he's so big."

  5. nikkiroberti says:

    Super cute kid. BEAUTIFUL EYES. Though…the blue eyes may not last forever. I had bright gray-blue eyes until I was over the age of three. Now my eyes are hazel/brown. And I even had a blue eyed dad. Weird, right?

  6. Kayla says:

    No, it does not get cuter than that boy right there! I just love him!

  7. Oh my goodness, he is cute!!!

  8. Kristina says:

    He's gotten so big! Cute pics!!


    Kristina does the Internets

  9. Landen says:

    Oh my word, he is DARLING! I can't to kiss those chubby cheeks myself!

  10. Kimber says:

    i could just eat his little face up! so adorable!

  11. He is too precious! I love his little smile in the first picture!

  12. amy says:

    He is adorable. Just so you know, I am brown eyed and hubs has hazel. I have 2 blue eyed girls. One is summer sky blue the other is stormy blue. Took us awhile to figure out where it came from.

  13. Kensie Ann says:

    He's absolutely amazing! Those cheeks kill me!

    btw, I made pizza the other night using your dough. It turned out amazing! I posted about it today so I linked to your post.

    And thanks so much for the help with the statement necklaces. You're the best! We sure miss you here in Provo.

  14. Lauren says:

    What a cutie 🙂

  15. Janssen says:

    Ani is a mega-talker too (although nothing that sounds like words. . .just constant babbling). So cute!

  16. Packrat says:

    Just love that square little face and bright eyes! Such a cutie.

  17. Brynn says:

    Your little guy is SO CUTE. Seriously. I even emailed this link to my mom simply to show her how freaking adorable he is. That last picture of his serious face? I can't even. So CUTE.

  18. Monique says:

    He's very very cute – I'm sure you are very proud parents!

  19. Kayt says:

    He's so cute! My daughter will be five months on Monday, and she's a bright blue eyed baby. I have dark green eyes, my husband has brown, and we never thought we'd throw a blue eyed baby, either. My mother in law is Filipino, and my dad has brown eyes, too. Our son was born with brown eyes, too. It was a shocker to see Fi with blue eyes at birth, and it's been even more surprising she's kept them!

    How's Peanut doing with him? Our four year old is still enamored with his little sister; I'm bracing for when she starts messing with his toys.

  20. What a adorable baby boy, soo beautiful.
    I gave birth too twins, a boy and a girl 10 years ago. My boy had big brown eyes right from birth and my daughter had big blue eyes until she was 2 years, then they started getting green/brown.
    Love from Susanne, suskreahjoerne.blogspot.dk

  21. Rachel says:

    Your boys are so darn cute! What are you going to call Peanut on the blog when he's in high school? 😉

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Dear Peanut,

On April 12, only an hour before you were born, we saw your hair. The nurse was thrilled when she saw the top of your head for the first time, and excitedly told us that you had lots of dark hair. As soon as you were born, this became your trademark and was the thing people commented on the most. Four months later, your little head is only covered by a few sorry wisps. Everyone told us that baby hair falls out, but we refused to believe it. Now it’s like we live with a cat — your sheets, blankets, clothes, pacifier, and face are constantly covered in your hair. We have family pictures coming up, so we’re hoping you hang on to a little bit of it until then. Either that, or make those new hairs grow a little faster.

It’s amazing how much you’ve grown in the last four months. You’re turning into such a little man, rolling over all the time, reaching for things, recognizing my face, and constantly exploring things by putting them in your mouth. When you don’t have a toy to play with, your hands are pretty much permanently in your mouth. You’ve discovered how to suck your fingers (sometimes one at a time, other times two or three at a time), and you also like biting your thumb. We’re hoping that doesn’t turn into sucking your thumb or else we’ll have to turn you over to Grandad for some dentistry. Any time you get a chance, you put mine or dad’s fingers in your mouth and chomp away at those. For some reason having fingers in your mouth makes you talkative, so it’s a bunch of mumbled jibberish, and pretty hilarious.

You’ve become so talkative and interactive this month. I’ve started singing to you a lot, and you now immediately recognize my voice. You’re a great listener while I sing, and then when I get quiet you make the cutest little concentration face and with all the energy you can muster, you talk or sing back. Although you’re dealing with some anxiety issues (like bursting into tears if I leave the room for ten seconds), it usually calms you down if I sing to you from the next room. But even though the calm is sometimes short lived, you’re full of smiles and giggles the second I walk back into the room. This also happens whenever you wake up from a nap, or when I come and get you in the morning; you might be whining, but as soon as I come into view over your crib, you smile so big that I think you might explode.

Who knew being a mom could be the most fun and rewarding job in the whole world? I sometimes think about my working days spent in an office and I realize how lucky I am to be home with you all day. I wouldn’t trade this job for anything.

Happy Four Months, Little Dude.

Love, Mama

Progression from Lump to Little Man:

Four Months

Dear Peanut,

On April 12, only an hour before you were born, we saw your hair. The nurse was thrilled when she saw the top of your head for the first time, and excitedly told us that you had lots of dark hair. As soon as you were born, this became your trademark and was the thing people commented on the most. Four months later, your little head is only covered by a few sorry wisps. Everyone told us that baby hair falls out, but we refused to believe it. Now it’s like we live with a cat — your sheets, blankets, clothes, pacifier, and face are constantly covered in your hair. We have family pictures coming up, so we’re hoping you hang on to a little bit of it until then. Either that, or make those new hairs grow a little faster.

It’s amazing how much you’ve grown in the last four months. You’re turning into such a little man, rolling over all the time, reaching for things, recognizing my face, and constantly exploring things by putting them in your mouth. When you don’t have a toy to play with, your hands are pretty much permanently in your mouth. You’ve discovered how to suck your fingers (sometimes one at a time, other times two or three at a time), and you also like biting your thumb. We’re hoping that doesn’t turn into sucking your thumb or else we’ll have to turn you over to Grandad for some dentistry. Any time you get a chance, you put mine or dad’s fingers in your mouth and chomp away at those. For some reason having fingers in your mouth makes you talkative, so it’s a bunch of mumbled jibberish, and pretty hilarious.

You’ve become so talkative and interactive this month. I’ve started singing to you a lot, and you now immediately recognize my voice. You’re a great listener while I sing, and then when I get quiet you make the cutest little concentration face and with all the energy you can muster, you talk or sing back. Although you’re dealing with some anxiety issues (like bursting into tears if I leave the room for ten seconds), it usually calms you down if I sing to you from the next room. But even though the calm is sometimes short lived, you’re full of smiles and giggles the second I walk back into the room. This also happens whenever you wake up from a nap, or when I come and get you in the morning; you might be whining, but as soon as I come into view over your crib, you smile so big that I think you might explode.

Who knew being a mom could be the most fun and rewarding job in the whole world? I sometimes think about my working days spent in an office and I realize how lucky I am to be home with you all day. I wouldn’t trade this job for anything.

Happy Four Months, Little Dude.

Love, Mama

Progression from Lump to Little Man:



  1. Carole says:

    I can't get over how much he's changed! I can't wait to see him in just 2 weeks. He needs his Grancie to sing and smile with.

  2. Janssen says:

    I will continue to be in denial that my baby's hair will fall out. Until it falls out. Then I will cry.

  3. Packrat says:

    Peanut has changed and grown so much.

    Love that you are singing to him and that he is singing back. Maybe music lessons are in his future?

    It will be interesting to see if his new hair comes back in dark or if he will be blond for a while.

  4. Emily says:

    Addie's very sparse hair fell out and it stinks! She's also started having anxiety when I hand her off to people, ugh! It's fun that our kids are going through the same stages. 🙂 He's still a cutie, even if he's losing his hair!

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