
The joys of Philip’s new calling to the bishopric: someone new in the ward for all the students to pick on. [taken at the ward luau – learning to do the Haka]

Blackmail At Its Best

The joys of Philip’s new calling to the bishopric: someone new in the ward for all the students to pick on. [taken at the ward luau – learning to do the Haka]



  1. hahahahaha thats so great…a picture your kids will love to tease dad about. It was good talking to you today!!

  2. Haha! When I first saw this, I thought maybe they were doing "The lion."
    P.S. Tell Philip he's lame for not wearing a Hawaiian shirt

  3. Chelsea says:

    That looks like it was hilarious!

  4. haha, funny picture! and CUTE outfit today!!! 🙂

  5. Nina G says:

    Looks like you've married a Thespian!!

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