
Apparently one show in a cafe and one article in a magazine entitles you to your own wikipedia page….or maybe your husband and his friend are HTML nerds and had a slow day at work.

Either way, this is what I’ve ended up with: Merrick White on Wikipedia

Because My Husband Thinks I’m Famous Enough To Have My Own Wikipedia Page

Apparently one show in a cafe and one article in a magazine entitles you to your own wikipedia page….or maybe your husband and his friend are HTML nerds and had a slow day at work.

Either way, this is what I’ve ended up with: Merrick White on Wikipedia



  1. Ashley says:

    Wow! You are famous!!!

  2. Ashley says:

    I just read the article about you in the magazine too….WOW, you ARE famous! 🙂 So how much would I have to pay you to do a painting of Kinsey? I figure maybe I would ask now why I could still afford you 😉

  3. Lacie & Ryan says:

    SO COOL!!!! Hey, I have some pics of Hailyn that I think you could create masterpieces with- if you want you artistic genius! Shoot me an email at ssweetie02@hotmail.com so I can get your email!

  4. craftyashley says:

    I agree- you do need to be on Wikipedia!

  5. Lisa says:

    cool! But he spelled Maestros wrong.

  6. BrittWilk says:

    ummm… i can’t believe i know you! wow! and your show in downtown provo was awesome!

  7. Emily says:

    That is SO cute! What a sweet husband!

  8. Packrat says:

    Heavens! What a talented family! That’s the idea – get your name out there so that people know about you. 🙂

  9. cannon says:

    Hey! I will let you know on the hotel soon when I figure out what we are doing. Thanks for checking it out. By the way Sunday morning Mitchell woke up saying, “Merrick?”

  10. Amber says:

    that is cool! 🙂 It says it is going to be deleted though — hurry quick and update it!

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