Halloween is just over a month away. Do you have ideas for costumes yet? Here are 10 DIY Halloween costumes you can make, or a few favorites you can snag on Amazon Prime!
Do you DIY Halloween Costumes?
I’ve been making DIY Halloween costumes for years. When Philip and I were engaged, we made Salt and Pepper shaker halloween costumes, complete with foil hats. We’ve certainly come a long way since then.
For the last decade, I’ve mostly made costumes for the boys. But last year we decided to go all out and do a family Harry Potter Halloween costume. You can see it HERE!
Today I want to show you a few of my favorite past Halloween costumes. Who knows if we’ll be able to trick or treat this year, but maybe you can throw a Halloween party and have a chance to put together a costume.
Amazon Prime has great, affordable costumes
And if you’re not a DIYer, Amazon Prime will be your best friend. They have tons of good costumes that will be on your doorstep in two days.
Here are some of my favorite Amazon Prime Halloween costumes!
Where’s Waldo Shirt, Beanie, Glasses, and Socks
This is one of the most adorable rooms! I absolutely love anything woodland themed and you’ve really captured it so beautifully.
I can’t believe the trees were hand painted! I was so convinced that had been wallpapered – beautiful work!
Rachel | Teacups & Tartan
You have done a great job with them and it is amazing to be this beautiful
Mary Poppins is such a classic and seems so easy to recreate!
xo Jessica
My Style Vita
The costumes are really very creative. I am looking for information to supplement this article https://clapway.com/2018/07/17/top-3-unusual-ways-to-engage-students-in-writing-activities/ . Do you think I could somehow intertwine these two topics?
tanx… grat page …
these are indeed some the awesome dresses I think I need one for me too … 😉
These all look great! but are these costumes easy to make?
Hi guys))
The costumes are quite inventive. I’m looking for additional information to add to this article.