
TOP (MADE BY ME, INSPIRED BY THIS TOP)  ||  JEANS  ||  SHOES  ||  SIMILAR BAG  ||  NECKLACEphotos by rad and happy
A few weeks ago I spotted this top at Nordstrom. You probably know by now that I’m completely and hopelessly obsessed with eyelet, so of course I loved it. But I also realized it would be a pretty simple sewing project — and even easier, a quick refashion!
With a simple Target tee and some eyelet fabric, I whipped this up the other day and I’m in love with it. I originally planned to just do the peplum, but since the top needs to be a little boxier to make the peplum hang correctly, I ended up adding the eyelet panels in the side to add width and I’m so glad I did because I think it makes the entire shirt. Also I chose a v-neck tee because I like them best.Ready for a weekend project? Click READ MORE below to find the full tutorial!

What you’ll need:
t-shirt — can be from anywhere, and can be v-neck or crew neck (I used this one)
1/2 yard eyelet fabric
matching thread
Step 1. Try on your shirt and decide how much extra width you want to add. My side panels were about 5″ wide each. Now cut your shirt open at the side seams, and cut two strips of fabric 5″ wide (or however wide you decide), and long enough to go all the way down the side of the shirt and the sleeves.
Step 2. Hem one short end of the eyelet panel. Repeat for the second panel. Match that hemmed edge up with the original sleeve hem, and then with right sides together, sew the panel into the side of the shirt from the end of the sleeve, up and around the armpit, and down to the bottom of the shirt. Repeat for the other side of the shirt.
Step 3. Now try on the shirt and decide how short you want to cut it. I cut mine right at my belly button, but angled it to be longer in the back. Mark with tailors chalk, and then cut as desired. Remember, you’ll be hemming it, so cut it about 1/2 an inch longer than you want it to be.
Step 4. Measure around the hem of your shirt and then multiply that circumference by 1.5. Use that measurement as your length to cut a long strip of eyelet about 8 inches wide. Hem the bottom of this strip of eyelet, and then sew it into a loop.
Step 5. Now do a basting stitch around the top of the eyelet loop, leaving the threads long so you can gather them. Now pull the strings to gather until the circumference of the loop matches the circumference of the tee.
Step 6. Turn your tee inside out and hem the bottom of your t-shirt up 1/2 an inch. Do this carefully, with a wide straight stitch. If you pull the fabric as you stretch, your hem will become wavy, so just go slowly and let the machine guide the fabric through — don’t pull!
Step 7. Now pin the gathered eyelet under the hem, pin in place, and then sew all the way around the bottom of the t-shirt again, attaching the eyelet.
Press all your seams, and you’re done!


TOP (MADE BY ME, INSPIRED BY THIS TOP)  ||  JEANS  ||  SHOES  ||  SIMILAR BAG  ||  NECKLACEphotos by rad and happy
A few weeks ago I spotted this top at Nordstrom. You probably know by now that I’m completely and hopelessly obsessed with eyelet, so of course I loved it. But I also realized it would be a pretty simple sewing project — and even easier, a quick refashion!
With a simple Target tee and some eyelet fabric, I whipped this up the other day and I’m in love with it. I originally planned to just do the peplum, but since the top needs to be a little boxier to make the peplum hang correctly, I ended up adding the eyelet panels in the side to add width and I’m so glad I did because I think it makes the entire shirt. Also I chose a v-neck tee because I like them best.Ready for a weekend project? Click READ MORE below to find the full tutorial!

What you’ll need:
t-shirt — can be from anywhere, and can be v-neck or crew neck (I used this one)
1/2 yard eyelet fabric
matching thread
Step 1. Try on your shirt and decide how much extra width you want to add. My side panels were about 5″ wide each. Now cut your shirt open at the side seams, and cut two strips of fabric 5″ wide (or however wide you decide), and long enough to go all the way down the side of the shirt and the sleeves.
Step 2. Hem one short end of the eyelet panel. Repeat for the second panel. Match that hemmed edge up with the original sleeve hem, and then with right sides together, sew the panel into the side of the shirt from the end of the sleeve, up and around the armpit, and down to the bottom of the shirt. Repeat for the other side of the shirt.
Step 3. Now try on the shirt and decide how short you want to cut it. I cut mine right at my belly button, but angled it to be longer in the back. Mark with tailors chalk, and then cut as desired. Remember, you’ll be hemming it, so cut it about 1/2 an inch longer than you want it to be.
Step 4. Measure around the hem of your shirt and then multiply that circumference by 1.5. Use that measurement as your length to cut a long strip of eyelet about 8 inches wide. Hem the bottom of this strip of eyelet, and then sew it into a loop.
Step 5. Now do a basting stitch around the top of the eyelet loop, leaving the threads long so you can gather them. Now pull the strings to gather until the circumference of the loop matches the circumference of the tee.
Step 6. Turn your tee inside out and hem the bottom of your t-shirt up 1/2 an inch. Do this carefully, with a wide straight stitch. If you pull the fabric as you stretch, your hem will become wavy, so just go slowly and let the machine guide the fabric through — don’t pull!
Step 7. Now pin the gathered eyelet under the hem, pin in place, and then sew all the way around the bottom of the t-shirt again, attaching the eyelet.
Press all your seams, and you’re done!


  1. Natali says:

    Fantastic top and boots! Beautiful casual combo!


  2. Eleanor says:

    Plus yours looks way better than the Nordstrom version!

  3. SO cute! And I agree with another commenter–it looks way better than the Nordstrom one!

  4. kelsey bang says:

    you always make the cutest clothing! darling post!


  5. Catherine says:

    So cute! Love! Question, why did you hem the shirt then attach the eyelet instead of sewing the eyelet to the tshirt, pre hem, and then top stitching? Is it bc of the tshirt fabric? Will it become wavy? Just checking before I start sewing. Thank you!

    • Merrick says:

      yes, it’s more likely to become wavy if you attach the gathered fabric and hem at the same time. I’d recommend doing it according to my tutorial. Good luck! xx

  6. Mademoiselle Coconath says:

    Cute top! Love the look!


    Mademoiselle Coconath


  7. Serein says:

    It looks really cute and not like you made any changes yourself! I love it! Great quality! Great job!!




  8. Mary says:

    I am very new to sewing, but would like to try this tutorial. What type of needle do you use when you mix knits with a woven fabric? Thanks!

  9. Marci Giles says:

    What size Target T did you buy? This is the cutest shirt I’ve ever seen, I don’t sew at all and I am going to try this!

  10. Erin Hemmelgarn says:

    I love this! Question for you: I just went through the temple and a lot of my favorite shirts have too wide of necklines to wear anymore! Do you have any refashion ideas for keeping those in circulation without having to resort to wearing a Downeast Wonder Tee under them?

    • Merrick says:

      Oh, that’s a good question! I’d recommend taking up the shoulders a little bit. I’ll work on a tutorial for that — thanks for asking!

  11. Victoria O'Meara says:

    I was wondering if when first washed, will one fabric shrink more than the other causing puckering or distorting??
    Thank you.
    This is a darling idea.

  12. DOtt komm says:

    To help make a neckline smaller, add a lacy ruffle or a pleated ruffle to the neck of the garment. this help to close in the neck. If it has no sleeves,take the shoulder seam up a half inch to an inch. It all depends on the neckline.

  13. This top is perfect! How beautiful it all looks together!

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